Guerin F.-E.. Dictionnaire pittoresque d'histoire naturelle et des phénomènes de la nature, contenant l'Histoire des animaux, des végétaux, des mineraux, des météores.. Avec planches gravées sur acier par M. Beyer, sur les dessins de M. De Sainson, dessinareur du Voyage de l'Astrolabe.. Paris, Au Bureau de Souscription, 1833-39
Original edition. Nine volumes 4°, with thousands of pages of text and 720 plates outside the text, in original coloring. Beautiful contemporary half-morocco binding in brown, smooth spines adorned with triple gilt and blind fillets, marbled paper boards. An important scientific publication, perfectly complete with all engraved plates. Under the direction of Guérin, the greatest scientists of the time contributed, including the famous d’Orbigny.
Nine volumes. 4° (11,77x7,24in).
Private collection
Some blooming and spots. However, the work is well preserved in all its parts.
Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers must understand that any statement made by Coradi Rare Finds is merely a subjective opinion.